We experience the added value of diversity in our own organizational structures. It is therefore important for us to pass on our knowledge so that everyone can benefit from it.



Sharing good practices:
We share our good practice with both our local and international partners. In this regard we have established the Migration and Development Council (MDC) in Cologne, Germany to act as a coordination unit between Diaspora organisations to facilitate partnerships, share projects and resources.

Professionalisation of migrant organisations and initiative
We support migrant actors on organisational development and project management. We know that this target group has great potential and a wide variety of qualifications. They have innovative ideas regarding inclusion work and development cooperation. The goal is always to empower organisations to be professional and independent. In this regard we will advise them to be divers. Professional migrant organisations can do efficient inclusion and development work and, as multipliers, reach other people who activate, educate and integrate them into the existing network.

Support social entrepreneurship
We provide concrete support to migrants who have concrete intention to start their own social businesses. Our qualification activities are implemented in close cooperation with various stakeholders and institutions. These are job centres and integration points, business development agencies and chambers (HWK, IHK), the municipal integration centres, migrant organisations and other initiatives.

Close cooperation with state and non-governmental institutions in and around Cologne
It is a special concern of ours to bring the topic of diversity through public relations, education and lobbying to a wide variety of actors. Sustainable diversity can only work if the topic is examined in multiple perspectives and in all areas of society (civil society, politics, administration and business) in order to develop concrete agreements and solutions. In particular, we are strengthening the cooperation of migrant actors, who already live diversity in their structures with other institutions and thus create sustainable synergies.

EU wide networks and good practices sharing
Migrafrica is active in the EU wide networks (e.g. European Resettlement Network, DYPALL network and other) to facilitate the EU wide effort to support the inclusion of refugees and migrants. By sharing our local experiences we will provide feedback to national and EU policies on the same. We are also on the way to establish a network of African Diaspora youth organisations that will make it easy for these organisations to find EU wide strategic partners, funding opportunities, knowledge and other resources.  



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