With all our projects, we pursue the goal of promoting the inclusion of refugees in welcoming society. This is done by empowering people to self-determine their integration process. They can very well take their inclusion process into their own hands and shape it. We work with them to identify possibilities and support them until they no longer need us.

The direct promotion of refugees, as well as their indirect support through the sensitisation of volunteers and other relevant actors are building blocks of our targeted strategy. our function as a communicative interface between people and institutions, we specifically support our target groups in the following areas:
Asylum legal advice:
• Accompaniment in administrative proceedings and legal proceedings
• Information on housing matters Mediation of lawyers and legal assistance
• Interpreting and translating
• Qualification and labor market integration
• Intensive educational counselling for parents and their children
• Arranging language and integration courses Certificate recognition procedure for school, study and vocational qualifications
• Education and information about the (pre) school and vocational education system
• Development of perspectives and goals in school, study and occupation (vocational orientation) Language-sensitive communication training for school, study and work
• Awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development
• Networking with (potential) employers, schools, day-care centers and other.
Training and qualification
• Providing entrepreneurial knowledge and company start-up support
• Networking with cooperation partners and mediation to supporting organisations or measures
• Further qualification measures on sustainability and political participation
Culture and leisure
• Information and advice as well as mediation to suitable carriers in the areas of leisure, culture and sports
• Networking with other agencies and organisations as well as measures
• Accompaniment in administrative proceedings and legal proceedings
• Information on housing matters Mediation of lawyers and legal assistance
• Interpreting and translating
• Qualification and labor market integration
• Intensive educational counselling for parents and their children
• Arranging language and integration courses Certificate recognition procedure for school, study and vocational qualifications
• Education and information about the (pre) school and vocational education system
• Development of perspectives and goals in school, study and occupation (vocational orientation) Language-sensitive communication training for school, study and work
• Awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development
• Networking with (potential) employers, schools, day-care centers and other.
• Providing entrepreneurial knowledge and company start-up support
• Networking with cooperation partners and mediation to supporting organisations or measures
• Further qualification measures on sustainability and political participation
Culture and leisure
• Information and advice as well as mediation to suitable carriers in the areas of leisure, culture and sports
• Networking with other agencies and organisations as well as measures


TasteTogether +

PROmoting the Civic Engagement and Employability of Disadvantaged youth

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Let’s Go – Migrantinnen fit für die Arbeitswelt

Shine! – Zusammenkommen, Austausch und Empowern

Green Agents++

Mein Köln – Mein Veedel – Begegnungsfeste zum Ankommen, Kennenlernen, Vernetzen!