It’s not uncommon to see African migrant young people lacking the opportunity to impact the decisions making on issues that have direct impact on their lives. We rarely come in contact with high level decision makers, be it at local, national or international levels. This is not only true for young people but most sections of the African migrant communities i.e. women, adults or young adults. It’s often the forgotten section of the society. We the Afro-german youth have limited access to advocate for our interests and to influence the political process and decisions that have significant impact on our integration and participation in the German society.

This follow up project on structured dialogue between African migrant young people and decision makers aims to further strengthen and make concrete the changes the migrant young people want to see in their lives. The project aims to undertake youth meetings in three cities in Germany (Cologne, Dortmund and Munich) to advocate for further involvement of migrant young people and their organisations in addressing root causes of slow inclusion at local level and increased irregular migration at international level.

In collaboration with local stakeholders, decision makers at national and international levels, young African migrants will build a permanent structure of consultation on issues of integration and participation and international development cooperation.

The results of the project will be disseminated through transfer events and Migrafrica will further consult institutions on how to involve migrant young people in decision making process by applying the C.L.E.A.R model.

Besides the above stated objectives, the local and national meetings will serve as opportunities to train young people as multipliers to support empowerment, inclusion and entrepreneurship.

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